First Biomethane at Bright’s Indoor Upgrader for Twence in Zenderen
27 April 2022
With the opening of the gas valve this week, the first renewable gas produced at the indoor biogas upgrader of Bright in Zenderen, Netherlands is successfully delivered to the gas grid. In the small Dutch town of Zenderen, 5 million Nm3 of biomethane will be produced annually. Bright built the biogas upgrading system with membrane technology on behalf of the local waste management company Twence. Initially, a limited volume of biomethane will be produced. Production will be further increased in the coming months.

Renewable Gas Solution
Located at Elhorst-Vloedbelt, a former landfill site, biogas and raw materials are produced from 250,000 tons of pig manure in a biogas plant. The biogas is then upgraded to biomethane in Bright’s biogas upgrading system with a capacity of 1,000 Nm3 of biomethane per hour. This is comparable to the annual gas consumption of approximately 3,000 households. The renewable natural gas is distributed to homes and business premises via grid operator Coteq Netbeheer’s (Cogas Group) existing natural gas network.