Future of Biogas Europe Summit 2024 (ES)
Meet the Bright team at the Future of Biogas Europe Summit in Barcelona, Spain, on November 27-28. Visit us and learn more about our renewable gas and CO2 recovery & liquefaction technologies.
Our renewable gas systems offer a new level of efficiency to biogas plants, being able to produce biomethane for gas-to-grid injection, bioLNG and bioCNG. At the same time CO2 can be captured from the biogass upgrading process for liquefaction into bioCO2. Learn about our comprehensive portfolio on renewable gas systems, and how you can decrease your carbon footprint while also creating an extra source of revenue.
Membrane technology - biogas upgrading
Bright offers proven and sustainable membrane technology systems specifically desgined for the upgrading of biogas. These systems have a high seperation efficiency, seperating renewable gas from CO2 with the use of membranes. They can be built on sight, are operational within 30 weeks and they are easily integrated with any biogas plant. CO2 liquefaction technology is easily integrated with biogas upgrading systems for full efficiency. Bright also offers in-house service & maintenaince for biogas upgrading + all add-on technologies.

CO2 liquefaction
Aditionally, Bright offers CO2 liquefaction systems, where CO2 is recovered from the process within fertilizer plants to turn into useable CO2. Our CO2 liquefaction systems are compact, modular and are compatible with biogas upgraders and carbon capture systems. The systems are able to produce food-grade liquid bio-CO2, which are essential to independent CO2 buyers in industries, such as food production and agriculture. This can create an extra source of revenue, while also improving your carbon intensity (CI) score.
Future of Biogas Europe Summit
The Future of Biogas Europe Summit is a leading event for the biogas and renewable energy sectors. Industry experts, technology providers, and policymakers are brought together to discuss solutions and strategies for the future of biogas. Join us at the event and learn how our renewable gas and CO2 liquefaction technologies can optimize your project.