
Biomass Connecting with the Future 2024 (UK)

Bright will participate at Biomass Connecting for the Future in Chesham, United Kingdom on the 12th of September. Be sure to join the event and our presentation: ‘Emissions to Opportunity: The impact of Carbon Capture’.  The presentation is held by Ivan Derkink, Sales Manager Carbon Capture and he will tell you in-depth about our carbon capture technology. To follow this presentation you can register for free. 

Carbon capture technology from Bright is a modular built carbon capture system; efficiently capturing CO2 from combustion flue gas to produce liquid or gaseous CO2. This allows thermal energy and combustion plants to reduce CO2 emissions resulting in carbon neutral or carbon negative energy production. Carbon capture is an essential add-on for companies aiming to make their combustion processes cleaner and more sustainable.

Biomass Connecting with the Future

Biomass Connecting with the Future focuses on advancements in biomass technology. The event highlights sustainable bioenergy solutions and provides an opportunity for industry experts and stakeholders to network and exchange knowledge on biomass technologies and carbon capture plants.

Bright - Carbon Capture Technology by Bright renewables